If you have misplaced your card, you can apply a temporary lock while you look for it.
- Select ‘Manage Cards’ from the home page of your Mobile Banking App.
- Select the card you would like to apply the lock to.
- Select 'Lock card’ and follow the prompts.
- To unlock the card once you have found it, select the card that has been locked and tap the button to Unlock the card.
Note: This lock can only applies to the card selected. Any additional cards on your account will not be locked.
Card Payment Settings
If you'd like to block online, international in-store or all card payments, you can do so in the Mobile Banking App.
- Select ‘Manage Cards’ from the home page of your Mobile Banking App.
- Select the card you would like to manage payment settings for.
- Select 'Payment Settings’ and choose all card payments, online payments or international in-store payments.
- Follow the prompts to allow or disable.