Customer Owned Banking Code Of Practice

As a commitment to our customers, Heritage Bank has subscribed to the Customer Owned Banking Code of Practice.

The Customer Owned Banking Code of Practice (Code) is the code of practice for Australia’s mutual banks, credit unions and building societies. The Code is a public expression of the level of support that subscribers will provide to its customers and the community, and the standards by which they be held accountable. It outlines clearly and transparently what a customer can expect when dealing with a Code subscriber.

The Code is underpinned by the following seven key promises. These promises are the principles that form the basis of the Code, informing all other provisions and obligations. 

1. We will deliver banking services in the interests of our customers.
2. We will obey the law.
3. We will not mislead or deceive.
4. We will act honestly and fairly.
5. We will offer products and services that are fit for general purpose.
6. We will deliver services with reasonable care and skill.
7. We will contribute to our community.

Download the Customer Owned Banking Code of Practice today, or visit the Customer Owned Banking Association Website.

What is a customer owned bank?
The customer-owned model focuses on delivering great value to customers, not on profits for shareholders.
Member Charter
At Heritage, what motivates us isn’t how much profit we can make, it’s about making people’s lives better. Our Member Charter outlines our commitment to our Heritage members.
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