Discontinued Products

Heritage sometimes discontinues products by removing them from sale. The interest rates shown below are for existing product holders only.

Secure Super Account
  • Business Loans
  • Home Loans
  • Variable Rate Personal Loan
  • Secure Super Account
  • Loan Offset Account
  • Cash Management Account
  • Money Manager Account
  • Community Saver Account
Secure Super Account
As of 1 November 2022 the Secure Super account has been withdrawn from sale and no new accounts can be opened. Existing Secure Super accounts and account holders can continue to operate on the account including making contributions and requesting to change to a Transition to Retirement or Pension account, in accordance with the Product Disclosure Statement.
Interest Rate
secure super (s60)
Interest Rate
Rates Effective From 01/07/2024
Variable Rate Personal Loan
Variable Rate Personal Loan
Our Variable Rate Personal Loan was removed from sale on 1 August 2022. For the terms and conditions applying to Personal Loans, please view our Lending Terms & Conditions.
Interest Rate Comparison Rate
Variable Rate Personal Loan
Interest Rate
Comparison Rate
Rates Effective From 08/02/2024
Cash Management Account
This account was withdrawn from sale on 24 October 2019
Interest Rate
$1 to $9,999
$10,000 to $249,999
$250,000 or more
tiered interest rates calculated on daily balances and paid quarterly
Interest Rate
Interest Rate
Interest Rate
Rates Effective From 01/07/2024
Money Manager Account
This account was withdrawn from sale on 24 October 2019
Interest Rate
working rate
term rates (in addition to working rate):
$1 to $9,999
$10,000 to $49,999
$50,000 or more
working rate calculated on daily balances and paid 3 monthly on the anniversary date. term rates available only on funds remaining in account for 3 months minimum.
Rates Effective From 01/07/2024
Community Saver Account
This account was withdrawn from sale on 24 October 2019
Interest Rate
$1 to $249,999
$250,000 to $749,999
$750,000 or more
working rate
tiered interest rates calculated on daily balances and paid monthly. working rate will be applied if no community group is nominated. community grant = 0.5% p.a.
Rates Effective From 01/07/2024
Loan Offset Account
Loan Offset Account
This account was withdrawn from sale on 7 January 2019
Interest Rate
$1 to $4,999
$5,000 or more
tiered interest rates calculated on daily balances and set-off applied monthly to qualifying linked heritage loan account
Rates Effective From 01/07/2024
Home Loans
Discontinued Home Loan Interest Rates

View the interest rates for our owner-occupied and investment home loans that have been withdrawn from sale. 

Business Loans
Discontinued Business Loan Interest Rates

View the interest rate for discontinued business loan products, including SME Support Loans.