Your budget will have an impact on how much you are able to borrow to buy your first car. Not only will your budget help you to save more, but it will also be a great way to prove your ability to save money and make repayments. Your budget should help you make regular savings deposits. A solid track record of employment and a history of regular savings can make it easier for you to get a car loan.
Research the type of car you are interested in buying and compare costs between different makes and models. You might like to consider buying a second hand car, as opposed to a new car to help keep the cost down. Take a look through our useful tools to help you understand more about purchasing and running your first car.
Our Car Loan can be used for either new or used vehicles. However, if you are looking at purchasing a vehicle over 7 years old you will be better off looking to apply for a Personal Loan.
This will determine how best we can help.