Every seller wants to get the best price possible for their property. If you are serious about selling your home and generating buyer interest there are two key areas you need to research, understand and act on to ensure your home becomes somebody else’s home as soon as possible.
Many sellers start with the wrong listing price. Do your research from the outset and take advice from an agent you trust.
The biggest problem with overpricing a property is that you will eventually have to drop the price. To buyers, this can look like desperation and may slow down the selling process while people wait for the price to drop further.
It’s important to consider the quality of your agent, as well as the cost. Cheap agents could cost you more in the long run. Look at agent contracts and understand what you are getting for your money – advertising costs, contract length, and commission to be paid on sale are all areas you need to understand and be happy with before signing up.
Every situation is different so it’s important you research and take advice from people who knows the particular market you are in.
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