BPAY View ® allows you to receive and manage your bills online through internet banking. Benefits include:
Heritage encourages you to read and make sure you understand these terms and conditions before you use BPAY View, and you are encouraged to read them regularly to check for updates. These terms and conditions were originally published on 20 May 2005, were amended on 20 September 2008 under the heading if you register a Biller and were updated on 1 March 2023 to reflect the change to the issuer as Heritage and People's Choice Limited.
What do these words mean?
When can you use BPAY View?
You need to register for Heritage Online internet banking in order to use BPAY View. To be able to receive or access bills or statements from Billers through BPAY View, you need to nominate that Biller through Heritage Online. This is called “registering the Biller” and the Biller then becomes a “nominated Biller”.
If you register a Biller
You state that, if you register to receive a bill or statement electronically through BPAY View, you are entitled to receive that bill or statement from the applicable Biller.
You agree to receive bills and statements electronically and that this satisfies any legal obligations of a nominated Biller to give you bills and statements. For these purposes (but no others), we are the agent for each of your nominated Billers.
You might receive paper bills and statements from nominated Billers instead of electronic ones:
In any of those situations, we are not required to give you the paper bill or statement (unless we have a legal obligation to do so and we also happen to be the nominated Biller), but we will use reasonable endeavours to tell the nominated Biller about the situation.
When do you receive bills and statements?
You agree that when using BPAY View, if an email is sent notifying you that you have a bill or statement, then that bill or statement will be treated as having been received by you:
If a notification is posted on Heritage Online without an email then that bill or statement will be treated as having been received by you:
How long do bills and statements remain accessible?
You agree that when using BPAY View, bills and statements delivered to you remain accessible through Heritage Online for the period determined by the Biller up to a maximum of 18 months, after which they will be deleted (whether or not they have been paid).
Billing errors and queries
You must contact the Biller concerned (and, if applicable, get a paper copy of the bill or statement) as soon as you become aware of circumstances indicating that a bill or statement from a nominated Biller:
Each of those things is a “billing error”.
You must also take all reasonable steps to minimise any loss or damage caused by the billing error. The party responsible for the billing error is responsible for correcting it and paying any charges or interest that would ordinarily be payable to the applicable Biller due to any consequential late payment and as a result of the billing error.
You will be taken to be responsible for a billing error if it happens because of anything you have done or omitted to do or because of the malfunction, failure or incompatibility of computer equipment you use at any time with BPAY View. You can also be taken to be responsible for billing errors in other situations.
You agree that when using BPAY View, you will contact the Biller direct if you have any queries in relation to bills or statements.
Things you must do
Suspension and cancellation of BPAY View
We may suspend or cancel your ability to use BPAY View through Heritage Online (either generally or in relation to particular Billers) at any time and for for one or more of the following reasons:
However, unless there are exceptional circumstances (e.g. fraud or criminal activity), we will give you at least 14 days advance notice before suspending or cancelling your use of BPAY View.
Loss, damage and responsibility
We are not liable for any consequential loss or damage you suffer as a result of using BPAY View, other than due to our fraud, negligence or wilful misconduct (including that of our officers, employees, contractors or agents). Any loss or damage you suffer due to or in relation to a breach of a condition or warranty implied by law in contracts for the supply of goods and services and which may not be excluded, restricted or modified at all or only to a limited extent.
We are not liable for any loss or damage to the extent that it is caused because you breached these terms and conditions.
Unless we say otherwise in these terms and conditions, we are not responsible to arrange or make sure that any Biller actually makes bills or statements available to you. If you do not receive or cannot access a bill or statement that you were expecting to receive or access through BPAY View, it is your responsibility to contact the Biller to get a paper bill or statement.
You indemnify us against any loss or damage we may suffer due to any claim, demand or action of any kind brought against us arising directly or indirectly because you:
You agree that we can disclose to nominated Billers, the entity operating the BPAY scheme (BPAY Pty Ltd) and any agent appointed by any of them from time to time (including Cardlink Services Limited, which provides the electronic systems needed to implement the BPAY scheme):
You must tell us if any of your personal information changes and you consent to us disclosing your updated personal information to all other participants in the BPAY scheme described above, as necessary.
You can request access to your information held by us, BPAY Pty Ltd or its agent Cardlink Services Limited at their contact details as follows:
If your personal information detailed above is not disclosed to BPAY Pty Ltd or its agent, it will not be able to process your use of BPAY View.
You agree that we or a Biller (as appropriate) may collect data about whether you access your emails, Heritage Online and any link to a bill or statement.
What other terms and conditions apply?
There are terms and conditions that apply to: