Effective 01 January 2024
These Heritage Bank Apple Pay Terms and Conditions together with the product terms of your accounts, govern the use of your eligible Heritage Bank card with Apple Pay. Where inconsistent with the relevant product terms, these terms apply.
You agree to these Terms and Conditions by:
(i) adding an eligible Heritage Bank card to Apple Pay on your supported device; or
(ii) allowing an additional cardholder to add their eligible Heritage Bank card to Apple Pay on their supported device.
For information on eligible Heritage Bank card and supported devices please visit heritage.com.au.
You can add an eligible Heritage Bank card to Apple Pay on supported devices. An additional cardholder may also add their eligible Heritage Bank card to Apple Pay on their supported device provided that:
(i) you or the additional cardholder are verified when adding a card;
(ii) if the person adding the card is not the sole account holder, each account holder of that account has agreed to the eligible Heritage Bank card being added to Apple Pay on the supported device; and
(iii) the account is in good standing.
As part of the process we will either send you a text message (to the mobile phone number you have registered with us) with a verification code or have you verify your identify via our Contact Centre. You should ensure that Heritage Bank has your correct mobile number in order to receive the verification code via text message.
Once you have added your card to Apple Pay and been verified, you may authorise and process transactions by using the relevant supported device in place of an eligible Heritage Bank card at a contactless payment terminal. Each transaction is not to exceed the daily limits of the card as set out in the Fees and Limits guide. In some cases, you may temporarily exceed this limit, for example where systems are unavailable. You may be required to utilise your device verification method (eg. password or biometric identifier) to authorise your payment.
An eligible Heritage Bank card can be unlinked from Apple Pay by following the instructions in the wallet. You can also ask us to suspend or remove your cards from Apple Pay by calling us on 13 14 22.
If your supported device operates on iOS18 and / or WatchOS11 (or a later iOS), Apple Pay allows merchants to select how your transactions are processed - this is called 'merchant choice routing'. The merchant's options are:
1. By the Visa network which will pledge the amount as an authorisation on your account until the transaction is processed.; or
2. By the eftpos network, which will debit your account immediately.
You can still choose whether a transaction is processed by the Visa network or the Eftpos network where:
1. The eligible Heritage Bank card is added to the wallet before your supported device is upgraded to iOS18 and / or WatchOS11 (or a later iOS); or
2. The eligible Heritage Bank card supports both "cheque" and "savings" options.
Fees and charges may apply - see the Fees and Limits guide.
For complaint resolution refer to the Complaints section the appropriate Product Guide.
Apple Pay is a service provided by Apple, not by us. Except to the extent caused by our fraud, negligence or wilful misconduct (or that of our officers, employees, agents or contractors), we are not responsible for any loss you suffer in relation to:
(i) your fraud;
(ii) your use of Apple Pay or the supported device in a manner not permitted by Apple (for example, by obtaining root access of the operating system allowing customisation to your supported device);
(iii) subject to your rights under the ePayments Code, a reduced level of service caused by matters beyond our reasonable control (for example, those caused by third party software and network providers);
(iv) any error, defect or unavailability of Apple Pay;
(v) or any failure or refusal of merchants to process transactions using Apple Pay.
Please call us promptly on 13 14 22 if:
(i) your supported device is lost or stolen;
(ii) your supported device's mobile service is suddenly disconnected without your permission (which may indicate you have been subject to mobile phone porting); or
(iii) you suspect a security breach in relation to your supported device or Apple Pay or that an unauthorised person has used your passcode, PIN of an eligible Heritage Bank card or your other credentials to access Apple Pay.
Based on your report, we will suspend use of your eligible Heritage Bank card with Apple Pay. This helps protect you as much as possible from additional loss or liability.
We warrant that we will comply with the ePayments Code. Your liability for unauthorised transactions will be determined in accordance to the ePayments Code. More terms which affect your liability in relation to transactions are set out in the relevant product terms.
You must take steps to secure your supported device on which your eligible Heritage Bank card has been registered.
You are responsible for ensuring that:
(i) any password of your supported device is kept secret and secure, not easily guessed or deciphered (e.g. your date of birth), and not shared with another person (and if known by another person, the passcode must be changed);
(ii) your biometric identifier (e.g. fingerprint/Face ID) is the only biometric identifier registered on your supported device (and any other person's biometric identifier registered on your device must be removed);
(iii) your supported device is not left unattended, is locked when not in use, and up-to-date antivirus software is installed on it; and
(iv) any eligible Heritage Bank cards are unlinked/removed from your supported device before disposing of it.
If you fail to comply with any of the requirements in this clause, you are taken to have authorised others to make transactions using Apple Pay and you are responsible for their use of your eligible Heritage Bank card.
WARNING: this could result in significant loss or liability in relation to such transactions.
You should check your transaction history regularly to make sure there are no errors or unauthorised transactions.You and any additional cardholder must tell us promptly if:
(i) an eligible Heritage Bank card or device has been lost or stolen; or
(ii) you or they suspect someone else has used your account without your permission or may have access to your supported device or know your security credentials or eligible Heritage Bank card PIN
You should immediately unlink your eligible Heritage Bank card from Apple Pay if your supported device is stolen or lost. Instructions to unlink your card are available in the Apple Pay App or you can call our Contact Centre on 13 14 22.
We may suspend or terminate use of your eligible Heritage Bank card with Apple Pay without notice at any time:
(i) if you ask us to suspend or close the eligible Heritage Bank account that the card is linked to;
(ii) if your eligible Heritage Bank card is cancelled, blocked or suspended;
(iii) if you breach your account Terms and Conditions;
(iv) if either you or the additional cardholder breach these Terms and Conditions;
(v) if we suspect unauthorised transactions have occurred;
(vi) if required by applicable laws (such as anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing laws, or sanctions laws);
(vii) if directed to do so by Apple or by Visa (for example, in circumstances of suspected fraud);
(viii) if we are required by a regulatory or government body;
(ix) for security reasons;
(x) if we have reasonable grounds to believe that there is a material risk of loss to you or us.
However, unless there are exceptional circumstances (e.g. fraud or criminal activity), we will give you at least 14 days advance notice before suspending or terminating your use of your eligible Heritage Bank card with Apple Pay.
We may collect information relating to your supported device (including app version, device type and model, operating system and security information such as whether you have obtained root access):
(i) to ensure that your eligible Heritage Bank card properly functions in Apple Pay;
(ii) for security purposes and to identify fraud;
(iii) so that we may better provide assistance to you; and
(iv) to tell you about other products or services that may be of interest to you.
We may also exchange information with Apple and service providers:
(i) to enable the use of the eligible Heritage Bank card with Apple Pay and to improve Apple Pay generally; and
(ii) about persons involved in suspected security breaches or fraud.
If you don't want us to collect or disclose this information, you should not register a card for use in Apple Pay.
You must agree to Apple Pay terms and conditions in order to register your eligible card and use it with Apple Pay.
By adding an eligible Heritage Bank card to Apple Pay or allowing an additional cardholder to add their eligible Heritage Bank card to Apple Pay on their supported device, you consent to our collection and disclosure of this information as described in this clause 8.
If you do not want to receive marketing information, phone 13 14 22.
The product terms and our privacy policy contain more general information about our collection and handling of your information.
We can make changes to these Terms and Conditions at any time for one or more of the following reasons:
- to comply with any change or anticipated change in any relevant law, code of practice, guidance or general banking practice;
- to reflect any decision of a court, ombudsman or regulator;
- to reflect a change in our systems or procedures, including for security reasons;
- to comply with any scheme (such as Visa or eftpos) or wallet provider change;
- to respond to changes in the cost of facilitating the use of your eligible Heritage Bank Card with Apple Pay; or
- to make these Terms & Conditions clearer or to add features,
but will only do so in order to protect our legitimate business interests, and only to the extent reasonably required to do this. We will notify you of any material changes no later than the day it takes effect, or such longer period as may be required by law, by electronic notice to you via your device or Apple Pay in accordance with the product terms. Where the change is adverse to you, we will notify you at least 30 days before the effective date of the change. Due to the nature of Apple Pay you agree to us communicating with you electronically in relation to your use of Apple Pay and these conditions. We may require you to confirm your acceptance of changes to continue using your eligible Heritage Bank card in Apple Pay.
If any provision or part of a provision of these Terms and Conditions is illegal, invalid or unenforceable, it will be severed from these Terms and Conditions and the remaining provisions (or parts of provisions) will continue in full force and effect.
These terms are governed by the law of Queensland, Australia and both parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that State.
cardholder | a person that holds an eligible Heritage Bank card. |
eligible Heritage Bank card | means a compatible debit or credit card that can be used for Apple Pay on a supported device that has been issued by Heritage Bank to you. You will be notified if your card is eligible when you attempt to register it with Apple Pay. |
Apple Pay App | means the mobile application provided by Apple for use on your supported device. |
password | means any password or code either we or a third-party gives a user, or that a user creates, that must be used before we, or a third-party, process a transaction. This includes PINs, internet, phone or mobile banking passwords, and codes generated by security token. |
product terms |
means: - for debit cards, the Guide to Heritage Deposit Products; - for personal Visa accounts: the Credit Card Details issued to you by us; the Guide to Heritage Credit Card Products; and the Fees and Limits Guide; - for line of credit facilities: the Specific Particulars issued to you by us; the Lending Terms and Conditions; and the Fees and Limits Guide; - for business Visa accounts: the letter of offer or Specified Particulars issued to you by us; each other document specified in the letter of offer or Specific Particulars; the Guide to Heritage Credit Card Products; and the Fees and Limits Guide |
security credentials | means any personal identification number, password, biometric identifier or other measure used to ensure the security of your supported device. |
supported device | is any equipment or device used to access your account, including a mobile phone or wearable device e.g. smartwatch, that is not given to you by us. |
Terms and Conditions | means these terms and conditions. |
we, us our or Heritage Bank | means Heritage and People's Choice Limited trading as Heritage Bank ABN 11 087 651 125. |
you or your | means the person who holds the card that is used for Apple Pay. |