How can I troubleshoot my Mobile Banking App?
If your Heritage Mobile Banking App isn't working you might like to try these troubleshooting ideas:
Make sure your operating system is compatible with the Mobile Banking App. You can view our latest operating system requirements here.
Check that the Mobile Banking App is the most up to date version in your App store.
Delete the App from your device. Visit your App store to download it again and follow the steps to re-authenticate your device.
Check that your phone is allowing the Mobile Banking App to access the internet, and that your internet is stable and connected. You can usually check this within your settings App on your phone, and if you get stuck try visiting the FAQ's online for your device type:
If possible, use the automatic time and date set by your network provider.
If you need any more assistance with troubleshooting, contact us 24/7 on 13 14 22.